EPLUS Partner

Ruse - RU

“Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse
  • “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse

    "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse is an autonomous state higher school. The Angel Kunchev University of Ruse has as its calling the dissemination of knowledge, carrying out fundamental and applied scientific researches and the introduction of innovations into practice, thus contributing to the construction of highly qualified specialists and the sustainable development of the region and the country. The University of Ruse is also the largest university in the cross-border Bulgarian-Romanian region along the Danube River. There are eight faculties in the structure of the University: Agrarian and Industrial Faculty, Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Electronics and Automation, Faculty of Transport, Faculty of Business and Management, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Public Health and Healthcare, three Branches of Ruse University in Silistra, Razgrad and Vidin and a Bulgarian and Romanian Inter-university Europa Centre.

    Around 7 000 students and doctoral degree students study in state-of-the-art study halls and research laboratories. The teaching staff consists of 388 highly qualified full-time lecturers, of whom 40 professors, 169 associate professors and 329 PhD lecturers.

    "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse is a regular member of The European Universities Association (ЕUА), the Danube Rectors' Conference (DRC), the Visegrad University Association and   Interuniversity Centre - Dubrovnik.

    Teams from "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse participate in the implementation of over 450 multi-lateral and bi-lateral international agreements in the field of science and education, of which over 400 are under the Erasmus Progrtamme. Furthermore, there are agreements with partners from about 50 countries from Europe, Asia and America under 20 international programmes for cooperation.

    In 2018 the University was accredited with a grade of 9.44, where 10 is the maximum, for the maximum period of 6 years by the national Evaluation and Accreditation Agency with the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria.

    There are 23 professional fields which have been granted programme accreditation in the following areas of higher education: Educational Studies; Social, Economic and Law studies; Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics; Technical Studies; Healthcare, Social Activities and Sports. The students are studying in 56 undergraduate and over 140 master's degree programs. There are 50 accredited PhD degree programs, 28 of which are in the technical sciences. The PhD students trained in the academic year 2018/19 are over 170.

  • Contacts

    Phone: +359 82-888 211
    Email: secretary@uni-ruse.bg
    URL: https://www.uni-ruse.bg

    Correspondence address

    8 Studentska Str.
    7017 Ruse, Bulgaria