South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
The South-West University is a state institution that offers training in 75 Bachelor’s, 115 Master’s and 78 PhD degree programmes.
With its 42-year-old history the South-West University “Neofit Rilski” has established a leading position in the scientific and educational field both in Bulgaria and South-Eastern Europe.
Located in Blagoevgrad, the economic, cultural and educational centre of South-Western Bulgaria, it is situated only 90 kilometers southwards from the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia, 20 kilometers from the border with Macedonia and 80 kilometers from the border with Greece. This strategic location naturally facilitates the academic cooperation with a number of Universities in the Balkan region.
The basic structures of the University:
- The Faculty of Law and History
- The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- The Faculty of Economics
- The Faculty of Public Health, Health Care and Sports
- The Faculty of Pedagogy
- The Faculty of Philology
- The Faculty of Philosophy
- The Faculty of Arts
- The Faculty of Engineering
employ over 500 lecturers including professors, associate professors, doctors of sciences, and assistant professors. They provide modern modes of training following the Bulgarian traditions in education and research on the one hand, and meeting the contemporary European standards in the fields of science, arts and sports, on the other.
The South –West University provides training in different scientific fields for about 12 000 students of whom 400 are international students coming from various countries such as Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Serbia, Albania, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, Japan, Pakistan, Yemen, etc.
The University provides board and accommodation in one canteen and two renovated dormitories. Its library possesses over 200 000 volumes, an e-reading room with free access to the data bases of EBSCOhost, JSTOR, Russian Social Science and Humanities Journals Online, ScienceDirect, Scopus, ISI Web of Knowledge - Web of Science, CABI, Brillonline, Oxford Academic, etc.
The Career Centre provides quality services to help the South-West University students obtain adequate professional advice, as well as support for the university graduates in finding suitable positions at the labour market.
The South-West University “Neofit Rilski” implements scientific research that is funded by the European Territorial Cooperation programmes, Operational programmes, Horizon 2020, the Scientific and Research Fund, the World Bank, the Open Society Foundation, COST, the Erasmus + programme, etc.
There are over 30 laboratories and research centres available at the University. The University implements proactive international policies involving the cooperation with educational and research institutions from all around Europe, the USA and Russia. The University has signed contracts with more than 100 universities in Europe under the Erasmus + programme, which is extremely attractive for the students.
The South-West University owns one of the best sports centres in Bulgaria. It is comprised of a multifunctional indoor sports complex, a centre for functional testing, a laboratory for physiotherapy, a SPA and rehabilitation centre, stadiums and outdoor sports grounds.
The University Centre “Bachinovo” is situated only 3 kilometers from the city centre. It provides excellent conditions for holding seminars, conferences, summer schools, etc. The University Centre “Bachinovo” proves to be the ideal place for both work and recreation with its well-equipped halls, Wi-Fi access, with its SPA centre with a gym, table tennis hall, sauna, steam bath, physiotherapy halls and premises for aromatherapy and massage.
In 2018 the South-West University "Neofit Rilski" - Blagoevgrad received an institutional accreditation certificate by the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation with the mark of 9,30 for the period of 6 years (Minutes №15/20.09.2018).
URL: http://www.swu.bg/Correspondence address
Ivan Mihailov Str., 66
2700 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria