EPLUS Partner


Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography “Acad. Ivan Kostov” - BAS
  • Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography “Acad. Ivan Kostov” - BAS

    The Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography (IMC) is a multidisciplinary research unit of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) with the highest international rating for its entire activity (A/A/A). A team of highly qualified specialists in the field of mineralogy, crystallography, mineral resources, physics and chemistry develops a wide range of basic and applied research of the internationally proven productivity and competitiveness in the field of the following national and international priorities:

    • Earth Science. Minerals and mineral bodies are investigated, namely their phase composition, structural relationships, processes of formation and alteration necessary for the prognosis, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits;
    • New Materials and Technologies. The synthesis, characterization and utilization prospects of optical and laser grade single crystals, molecular sieves, microporous and other crystalline and amorphous materials are studied. Minerals are modified to improve their sorption, catalytic and other useful properties;
    • Environmental Protection.  Scientific research accentuating at mineralogy and geochemistry of solid fuels (coal, biomass, municipal solid wastes, petroleum coke) and products of their thermochemical processing; immobilization of radioactive wastes; utilization and deactivation of wastes from the mining industry;
    • Nature and Natural Resources of Bulgaria. Regional mineralogical studies are carried out to build a database of minerals in Bulgaria and maps of heavy mineral concentrates necessary for prospecting mineral resources.

    With its 8 own laboratories (electron microscopy, powder and single crystal analysis, thermochemistry, spectroscopy, chemical analysis, experimental mineralogy and crystal growth, optical microscopy and preparation of samples), as well as with the share participation in 3 joint projects (LA-MS- ICP, Raman and Mossbauer spectroscopy), at the moment IMC is the best equipped and with the most highly qualified scientific personnel organization in Bulgaria in the field of detailed study of the structure, composition, properties, behavior and interactions of the solid matter (irrespective of the origin and dimensions) and systems which it forms.

    IMC has rich experience in the implementation of research projects on competitive programs financed by European and national funds and foundations.

    Under the National Scientific Program EPLUS, an interdisciplinary scientific team from IMC-BAS is working on the utilization of different biomass ash types for CO2 capture and storage. At present, the combustion of biomass as sustainable and neutral source of CO2 emissions is one of the most prospective approach for decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and avoiding the global warming due to reducing of fossil fuels use. The recent investigations of the team lead by Prof Stanislav Vassilev from IMC-BAS show that the biomass energy can be not only carbon-neutral, but also with some extra carbon capture and storage potential due to the additional fixation and immobilization of atmospheric CO2 by carbonation of biomass ashes during their storage. The purpose of the present project task is to evaluate: (1) composition and properties of different biomass ash types; (2) sorption capacity and mechanisms for CO2 capture and storage by carbonation of these ashes; and (3) potential directions for industrial applications of such biomass ashes; by using an original and systematic approach and a complex of contemporary analytical methods.

  • Contacts

    Phone: +359 2 9797055
    Email: mincryst@clmc.bas.bg
    URL: http://www.imc.bas.bg

    Correspondence address

    “Acad. G. Bonchev” Str., bl. 107,
    Sofia 1113, Bulgaria