University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy - The Hydrogen Technology Centre
The Hydrogen Technology Centre (HTC) was founded in 2009 in the Faculty of Chemical Technologies at the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (UCTM) to provide master student education in Hydrogen Technologies and Chemical Technologies for Nuclear Energy, as well as to implement a range of projects, financed by National and European research programmes, such as PIRSES-GA-2011-295273 ”Functional ordered NAnomaterials via ELectrochemical routes in non-aqueous electrolytes“(NANEL), DN19/3 “Modeling, optimization and modification of nanoporous anodic oxide films as catalysts for water photoelectrolysis”. In 2013-2016, 4 new applied research labs within HTC-UCTM premises were refurbished using funding from the Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” (2007-2013) of the European Regional Development Fund, namely: “Non-conventional Hydrogen Technologies”, “Electrolysis and photoelectrolysis”, “Fuel cell and energy efficiency” and “Education and Qualification lab for hydrogen technologies”. A laboratory recirculation loop for high-temperature and high-pressure electrochemical and photoelectrochemical measurements and testing of construction materials for the energy sector is constructed with the financial support of Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant (2018-2021). HTC-UCTM participates in the National Scientific Infrastructure “Energy Storage and Hydrogen Energetics (ESHER, 2018-2023) with a laboratory for hydrogen production via pulse- and photo-electrolysis. As participant in the National Programme “Low-Carbon Energy for Transport and Households” (2018-2021), The Hydrogen Technology Centre implements activity “Construction and testing of a photo-electrolysis cell with electrodes of modified oxides of transition metals”.
URL: address
Boul. "Sv. Kliment Ohridski", №8,
1756 Sofia, Bulgaria