EPLUS Events

Spring Festival of Science

Spring Festival of Science
  • Subtitle:

    The EPLUS team from the University of Ruse on the 23rd Spring Festival of Science and on the Fifth innovative youth expo in Ruse

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  • Date:


The National Scientific Program "Low Carbon Energy for Transport and Life" (EPLUS) and the results of its work were presented by the team of the University of Ruse at the fifth innovative youth EXPO in Ruse on 09.06.2021. With the achievements of Component 2 of the EPLUS program, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as its main goal: to support research and applied research and demonstration activities for the development and introduction of new technologies related to renewable energy and decarbonization of the economy.

The team presented a functioning model of a hydrogen cell, with which research was conducted in different modes of operation and the results were presented in scientific reports at conferences in the country and abroad.

The Innovative Youth Expo was attended by both students and young scientists from higher education and high school students in the Ruse region. 38 stands and over 250 participants with many new ideas presented themselves at the Youth Expo. Subsequently, the ideas grow into projects that are developed as a basis for future scientific innovation for the benefit of society.

The Fifth Innovative Youth EXPO is part of the 23rd Spring Science Festival and is under the auspices of the Minister of Education and Science. The event was attended by the mayor of Ruse Pencho Milkov, the regional governor of Ruse Borislav Bulgarinov and deputy regional governors Sinan Hibibov and Stefka Karakoleva, the regional governor and deputy regional governor of Razgrad Ivan Borisov and Naiden Kasov, the deputy regional governor of Silistra Mincho Yordanov, Head of the Regional Department of Education Ruse Dr. Rositsa Georgieva.

The idea of this event is that scientific work should lead to solutions, utility models and inventions that really improve the quality of life and solve problems of our present.

Visiting the stand of the program, the rector of the University of Ruse Corr. Memb. Prof. Dr. Hristo Beloev noted that the academic management of the university appreciates the work of the team of the University of Ruse working on the EPLUS program and its results, namely: the accumulated expertise in the field of hydrogen mobility; the partnership with the Municipality of Ruse in the EPLUS program and its inclusion as an associate partner in it; the project prepared in the last year for the use of hydrogen energy for the propulsion of a river ship and for 20 city buses; work of a student team for improvement of an urban prototype of a car powered by hydrogen, etc. The mayor of Ruse, Dr. Pencho Milkov noted that the work of the team is the basis for shaping the policy of the Municipal leadership for decarbonization of public transport in the city.